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Sound Bites, Ep 1: Our thoughts on hot topics in dentistry

We delve into what the future holds for NHS Dentistry and the recent unexpected year-end reconciliation changes introduced by NHS England. While these changes are perceived as advantageous, we will..

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Client success story: A mixed NHS and private dental practice

Dr Jim Sykes co-founded Hexham Dental Clinic with Dr Mark Hanlon in 2007. With the support of PPD, they are now a thriving mixed practice, with the ability to provide..

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NHS to private

NHS to private: Why now and how to make it a success

Are you considering transitioning from NHS to private dental practice but unsure where to begin? Watch this webinar, where we dive into why now is the perfect time to make..

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private dental practice

Important reasons to become a fully private dental practice

With stipulations on what treatment you can and can’t provide, recruitment for NHS dentistry impossible for many principal dentists, and the concern of clawback year on year, is now the..

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