Hexham Dental Clinic
Dr Jim Sykes co-founded Hexham Dental Clinic with Dr Mark Hanlon in 2007. With the support of Patient Plan Direct, they are now a thriving mixed practice able to provide a full range of cosmetic treatments to the highest standards using the latest technology.

How did Patient Plan Direct help you succeed?
Q: Now that you have completed the transition period, what advice could you offer to any NHS dentists thinking about making a change?
Jim: I think you need to identify not just where you are now, but where you want to be. Have a clear vision about what you want to achieve. Talk to the team at Patient Plan Direct team, because they can help you achieve that vision. But you’ve got to have team vision to begin with.
Q: What’s next for you and the practice?
Jim: I think we’ve got a huge increase coming our way in in terms of cosmetic treatment and my new schedule allows me to help patients pursue those options. Instead of being booked up for six to eight weeks in advance, I’m now booked for one to two weeks. So, I’m in a position where I can take on new patients and start doing the kind of dentistry that excites me. And it’s a lovely place to be.
Q: Weighing up NHS versus private dentistry?
Jim: It doesn’t have to be all or nothing.
Patient Plan Direct’s ‘principal or associate-only move’ allows the team to weigh the benefits of either an all-private or mixed offering, without losing the financial security of the UDA-based contract or upsetting any patients who would prefer to be treated on the NHS.
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